【Deep Learning】画像水増し自動化


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import os
from PIL import Image, ImageOps, ImageEnhance
import glob
import shutil
import sys

inputImageFolderPath = '../学習データ/混合データ/品種/image'

allFruits = True

# 0:彩度変更, 1:コントラスト変更, 2:明度変更, 3:シャープネス変更, 4:拡大・縮小, 5:上下反転, 6:左右反転, 7
processList = [8]

# 出力のフォルダを指定。いじらなくていいはずです。
outputRoot = '../学習データ/水増しデータ/混合データ'

# 入力テキストフォルダ。いじらない。
inputTextFolderPath = inputImageFolderPath.replace('image', 'annotation')

# 彩度調整パラメータ。1.0以上で明るく、1.0未満で暗く
saturationRatio = 1.5

# コントラスト調整パラメータ。1.0以上で明るく、1.0未満で暗く
contrastRatio = 1.5

# 明度調整パラメータ。1.0以上で明るく、1.0未満で暗く
brightnessRatio = 1.5

# シャープネス調整パラメータ。1.0以上でくっきり、1.0未満でぼやける
sharpnessRatio = 1.5

# 大きさ調整パラメータ。縦横がこの倍率で大きくなります。
expansionRatio = 1.2

def makeFolder(root, folderName, imageFile):
    outputPath = os.path.join(root, folderName)
    if not os.path.exists(outputPath):
    outputPath = os.path.join(outputPath, imageFile.split('\\')[-5])
    if not os.path.exists(outputPath):
    outputAnnotationPath = os.path.join(outputPath, "annotation")
    if not os.path.exists(outputAnnotationPath):
    outputImagePath = os.path.join(outputPath, "image")
    if not os.path.exists(outputImagePath):
    imagePathList = imageFile.split('\\')
    outputAnnotationPath = os.path.join(outputAnnotationPath, imagePathList[-3])
    if not os.path.exists(outputAnnotationPath):
    outputImagePath = os.path.join(outputImagePath, imagePathList[-3])
    if not os.path.exists(outputImagePath):
    outputAnnotationPath = os.path.join(outputAnnotationPath, imagePathList[-2])
    if not os.path.exists(outputAnnotationPath):
        outputAnnotationPath = os.path.join(outputAnnotationPath, 'classes.txt')
        with open(outputAnnotationPath, mode = 'w') as f:
    outputImagePath = os.path.join(outputImagePath, imagePathList[-2])
    if not os.path.exists(outputImagePath):

def decideOutputFolderName():
    outputFolderName = ""
    for process in processList:
        if process == 0:
            outputFolderName += "彩度" + str(saturationRatio)
        elif process == 1:
            outputFolderName += "コントラスト" + str(contrastRatio)
        elif process == 2:
            outputFolderName += "明度" + str(brightnessRatio)
        elif process == 3:
            outputFolderName += "シャープネス" + str(sharpnessRatio)
        elif process == 4:
            outputFolderName += "大きさ" + str(expansionRatio)
        elif process == 5:
            outputFolderName += "上下反転"
        elif process == 6:
            outputFolderName += "左右反転"
        elif process == 7:
            outputFolderName += "90度回転"
        elif process == 8:
            outputFolderName += "270度回転"
    return outputFolderName

def copy(inputObject, outputObject):
    if os.path.exists(inputObject):
        shutil.copy(inputObject, outputObject)

def processing(image, coorList):
    for process in processList:
        if process == 0:
            image = changeSaturation(image, saturationRatio)
        elif process == 1:
            image= changeContrast(image, contrastRatio)
        elif process == 2:
            image = changeBrightness(image, brightnessRatio)
        elif process == 3:
            image = changeSharpness(image, sharpnessRatio)
        elif process == 4:
            image, coorList = changeSize(image, coorList, expansionRatio)
        elif process == 5:
            image, coorList = flipVertical(image, coorList)
        elif process == 6:
            image, coorList = flipHorizontal(image, coorList)
        elif process == 7:
            image, coorList = rotation90(image, coorList)
        elif process == 8:
            image, coorList = rotation270(image, coorList)
    return image, coorList

def changeSaturation(image, ratio):
    saturation = ImageEnhance.Color(image)
    return saturation.enhance(ratio)

def changeContrast(image, ratio):
    contrast = ImageEnhance.Contrast(image)
    return contrast.enhance(ratio)

def changeBrightness(image, ratio):
    brightness = ImageEnhance.Brightness(image)
    return brightness.enhance(ratio)

def changeSharpness(image, ratio):
    sharpness = ImageEnhance.Sharpness(image)
    return sharpness.enhance(ratio)

def changeSize(image, coorList, ratio):
    w, h = image.size
    resizedImage = image.resize((int(w * ratio), int(h * ratio)))
    resizedCoorList = []
    for oneCoorList in coorList:
        xmin = int(oneCoorList[0])
        ymin = int(oneCoorList[1])
        xmax = int(oneCoorList[2])
        ymax = int(oneCoorList[3])
        resizedCoorList.append([str(int(xmin * ratio)), str(int(ymin * ratio)), str(int(xmax * ratio)), str(int(ymax * ratio)), oneCoorList[4]])
    return resizedImage, resizedCoorList

def flipVertical(image, coorList):
    flippedImage = ImageOps.flip(image)
    flippedCoorList = []
    w, h = image.size
    for oneCoorList in coorList:
        xmin = int(oneCoorList[0])
        ymin = int(oneCoorList[1])
        xmax = int(oneCoorList[2])
        ymax = int(oneCoorList[3])
        flippedCoorList.append([str(xmin), str(h - ymax), str(xmax), str(h - ymin), oneCoorList[4]])
    return flippedImage, flippedCoorList

def flipHorizontal(image, coorList):
    mirrorImage = ImageOps.mirror(image)
    mirrorCoorList = []
    w, h = image.size
    for oneCoorList in coorList:
        xmin = int(oneCoorList[0])
        ymin = int(oneCoorList[1])
        xmax = int(oneCoorList[2])
        ymax = int(oneCoorList[3])
        mirrorCoorList.append([str(w - xmax), str(ymin), str(w - xmin), str(ymax), oneCoorList[4]])
    return mirrorImage, mirrorCoorList

def rotation90(image, coorList):
    rotatedImage = image.rotate(90, expand = True)
    rotatedCoorList = []
    w, h = image.size
    for oneCoorList in coorList:
        xmin = int(oneCoorList[0])
        ymin = int(oneCoorList[1])
        xmax = int(oneCoorList[2])
        ymax = int(oneCoorList[3])
        rotatedCoorList.append([str(ymin), str(w - xmax), str(ymax), str(w - xmin), oneCoorList[4]])
    return rotatedImage, rotatedCoorList

def rotation270(image, coorList):
    rotatedImage = image.rotate(270, expand = True)
    rotatedCoorList = []
    w, h = image.size
    for oneCoorList in coorList:
        xmin = int(oneCoorList[0])
        ymin = int(oneCoorList[1])
        xmax = int(oneCoorList[2])
        ymax = int(oneCoorList[3])
        rotatedCoorList.append([str(h - ymax), str(xmin), str(h - ymin), str(xmax), oneCoorList[4]])
    return rotatedImage, rotatedCoorList
outputFolderName = decideOutputFolderName()

imageName = r'\*\*.jpg'
if allFruits:
    imageName = r'\*\*\*.jpg'

### folder作成
for inputImageFile in glob.glob(inputImageFolderPath + imageName):
    splitInputImageFile = inputImageFile.split('/')
    if 'Thumbs.jpg' in splitInputImageFile[-1]:
    makeFolder(outputRoot, outputFolderName, inputImageFile)

### 画像ファイル取得
splitinputImageFolderPath = inputImageFolderPath.split('/')
outputImageFolderPath = os.path.join(outputRoot, outputFolderName, splitinputImageFolderPath[-3], splitinputImageFolderPath[-2], splitinputImageFolderPath[-1])
for image in glob.glob(os.path.join(inputImageFolderPath, "**", "*.jpg"), recursive=True):
    splitImage = image.split('/')
    if 'Thumbs.jpg' in splitImage[-1]:
    originalImage = Image.open(image).convert("RGB")
    originalText = image.replace("image", "annotation", 1).replace(".jpg", ".txt")
    coorList = []
    if os.path.exists(originalText):
        with open(originalText) as f:
            for s_line in f:
                if len(s_line.split(',')) == 1:
    ### 画像水増し処理
    processedImage, processedCoorList = processing(originalImage, coorList)
    ### 出力
    outputImageFolder = os.path.join(outputRoot, outputFolderName, splitImage[-5], splitImage[-4], splitImage[-3], splitImage[-2])
    outputImageFile = os.path.join(outputImageFolder, splitImage[-1])
    if not os.path.isdir(outputImageFolder):
        print("folder made:", outputImageFolder)
    outputTextFolder = outputImageFolder.replace("image", "annotation", 1)
    if not os.path.isdir(outputTextFolder):
        print("folder made:", outputTextFolder)
    outputTextFile = outputImageFile.replace("image", "annotation").replace(".jpg", ".txt")
    with open(outputTextFile, mode = 'w') as f:
        for oneCoorList in processedCoorList:
            f.write(oneCoorList[0] + "," + oneCoorList[1] + "," + oneCoorList[2] + "," + oneCoorList[3] + "," + oneCoorList[4])
